Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Superhoes and Phrasals!!!

Do you agree with the cartoon?

First take this quiz to find out which superhero you are!

So, how about YOU becoming a SUPERHERO?
Think of these questions to help you create a fictional character that feels like a real one!

Questions for Reflection

  • What is your ordinary world?
  • What are your challenges?
  • What strengths (or superhero powers) are you using to overcome these challenges?
  • Who are your helpers?
  • Whom are you helping?
  • How do you and others benefit from your actions?
  • Are you "real" online? Are others?
Do Phrasal Verbs give you a headache?
Well, here's a fun way to learn some of them!

Write a story using as many phrasal verbs as possible. The story with the most phrasals will win a prize!

It's YOUR song-Konstantinos

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