Tuesday 23 September 2014


Do you agree with the cartoon?

First take this quiz to find out which superhero you are!

So, how about YOU becoming a SUPERHERO?
Think of these questions to help you create a fictional character that feels like a real one!

Questions for Reflection

  • What is your ordinary world?
  • What are your challenges?
  • What strengths (or superhero powers) are you using to overcome these challenges?
  • Who are your helpers?
  • Whom are you helping?
  • How do you and others benefit from your actions?
  • Are you "real" online? Are others?
Do Phrasal Verbs give you a headache?
Well, here's a fun way to learn some of them!

Write a story using as many phrasal verbs as possible. The story with the most phrasals will win a prize!

It's all about you! Share your favourite songs as a comment to this post so that we get to hear them all!


  1. I becoming a SUPERHERO
    My name is mr AWESOME. I live in Africa. I have huge power at my hands and I can fly very fast. I take food and water from Europe and I give them to some Africans. My helpers are the humanitarian team, who prepare the food. So, by my help, some Africans lives good.


  2. At 7 o'clock, Sam woke up. He was turning up the toaster, when he saw a thief broking up the window, taking the computer and running. Sam chased him. They had a lot metres distance, so Sam speeded up but finally gave up. He went to his house, he cleaned up the glasses and he drank up water.He sat down, but some seconds later he standed up and cheered up, because he saw his son, whom he had grew up five years.


  3. Hello humans! I’m a Superhero! I live in Antarctica. I have a goal: to help Antarctica from human disasters. I can be invisible in the dark and fly very fast. I am helping scientists to prevent every disaster. So, the climate in Antarctica is stable and nothing bad happens.


  4. I remember 5 years ago something bad happened. I woke up in the morning, sat up but I was tired so I slept again. But then I heard a weird noise. I open up my eyes and get dressed up. Then, I went to see what was happening. But nothing seemed wrong, so, I watched TV. I turn up the volume because I didn’t hear anything. Ten minutes later, I called my dad up. When the call finished, I notice that my phone had no battery so I charge it up. Then I went to the kitchen. I filled up the cup, and I drink up the water. Suddenly, I heard that noise again. I went upstairs and saw that the window of my bedroom was broken and my money was missing. So, I guessed that someone broke up the window and steal all the money.I was terrified, but now that i grew up more I am stronger than ever!!


  5. Hello!I am WaterGirl and I'm a Superhero.I live in Australia!I have the power to do whatever I want with the water like I can lift up the water and make everything wet...My goal is to stop the fires in the forests,so that animals won't die and then we'll have more oxygen!!


  6. Yesterday I woke up at 6.00 am but I was still tired so slept again.Later,I woke up and I sat up a bit on my bed then I saw at the clock that the time was 9.00am and I jump out of the bed!I had school!So,I fastly went to the kitchen fill up with milk a glass and I drank it up.But while I drinking it some milk fall at the floor.I cleaned up the milk as fast as I could.I dressed up really fast and I start walking to school.Then I speed up and I was to school faster that I thought I would be!...I was so nervous and worried that I would be waaay too late but everything went ok!


  7. I am becoming a SUPERHERO
    My name is Mr AWESOME. I live in Africa. I have huge power at my hands and I can fly very fast. I take food and water from Europe and I give them to some Africans. My helpers are the humanitarian team, who prepare the food. So, by my help, some Africans live well.


  8. At 7 o'clock, Sam woke up. He was turning up the toaster, when he saw a thief was broke up the window, taking the computer and running. Sam chased him. He was far away, so Sam speeded up but finally gave up. He went to his house, he cleaned up the glasses and he drank up water.He sat down, but some seconds later he stood up and cheered up, because he saw his son, whom he had brought up five years.

